Board of Directors

Free Play has a diverse board of up to 12 volunteer director positions (at a given time). Within the board, there are four executive positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary, which each occur at two-year terms.  

Currently, the board meets (virtually via Google Meets) one time per month. 

Each director serves on a minimum of one committee (in addition to the larger board), these committees meet between one more time per month and one time per quarter.

These committees include Finance, Governance and Businesses Strategy, Nominations, and Community Impact.

The Board of Directors is elected at our Annual General Meeting every June.

Our committees welcome members year-round. Committee members do not need to be board members and do not require election to join. 

Please complete the below form to express your interest. 

You will be contacted by a Free Play staff member for an initial phone screen and then by a member of the Board of Directors.

CJ Blye, President of Free Play


Join the Free Play for Kids Volunteer Team!